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Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture


Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Image 2 of 12Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Wood, Windows, BeamSoma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Image 4 of 12Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Image 5 of 12Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - More Images+ 7

  • Client: Point Japan
  • Co Sponsorship: YKK AP, Kawashima Selkon, Tajima Roofing, Daiko TOTO, Osmo&Edel, Hoxan, BO&CO, Asahi Dupont Daikin, Hitachi, CK, Achilles, Bankyo Floor, Scrimtec Japan, LynnBELYS illumination, NIP Corporation Mag ISOVER, Cemedine, 3M Japan, FDS, UNION, Kakudai
  • Design Team: Astrid Klein, Mark Dytham, Yukinari Hisayama, Yu Azuma, Toyo Ito, Toyohiko Kobayashi
  • City: Soma
  • Country: Japan
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Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Image 4 of 12
© Koichi Torimura

Text description provided by the architects. Klein Dytham architecture's Home-for-All project in Soma City, Japan was handed over to the local community on the 14th February 2015 with much love.


The Home-for-All initiative was set up within months of the 11th March 2011, Tohoku earthquake and tsunami to build small community centres in the heart of the acres of temporary housing that were built to replace the 250,000 homes that were destroyed. 

Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Image 2 of 12
© Koichi Torimura

To date, thanks to incredibly generous donations from Japan and all around the world, several Home-for-All buildings have been built. 

Conceived as a large straw hat held aloft by trees, this building is an indoor play space for children between the ages of 0-4 . These spaces are important due to the ongoing concerns about background radiation levels. 


As the children cannot play outside, we felt the building should feel like they are playing in a park with trees. The cross laminated timber columns help reduce the span of the timber roof making it lighter and have been designed to resemble trees – complete with their own wild life! 

The roof is made up of 9 layers of timber slats. Each slat is continuous, the longest being 20m in length. The slats are laid over a formwork one layer at a time, with each successive layer rotated through 120 degrees. 

Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture - Wood, Windows, Beam
© Koichi Torimura

The project was made possible by donations from all over Japan through the T-Point card system and the generous in kind support by many construction material and equipment suppliers. All professional services for the project were provided pro-bono. 

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Project location

Address:Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan

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Location to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.
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Cite: "Soma City HOME-FOR-ALL / Toyo Ito & Associates + Klein Dytham architecture" 18 Sep 2017. ArchDaily. Accessed 19 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

© Koichi Torimura

日本相马市灾后重建‘众人之家’ / 伊东丰雄建筑事务所 + Klein Dytham architecture

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